Unlocking Local Insights For Vaccine Initiatives In East Africa

Unlocking local insights for vaccine initiatives in East Africa.

As the East African Community works to enhance viral outbreak preparedness and response activities following an Ebola outbreak in late 2022, one of the key implementation strategies involves assessing public perception of viral outbreak reporting and communication in Eastern & Central Africa.

We partnered with a leading multi-national research agency to deliver credible data on behalf of an Insights analytics firm that maps human behaviors attitudes and preferences. For this research study, the desired outcomes sought to determine attitudinal and behavioral communication that can potentially inform vaccine prioritization.

Our work as project managers was to make sure all partners’ objectives aligned with local and contextual realities in East African states that were part of this study. This included ensuring that tools and teams implementing CATI interviews, RDD sampling in nationwide study covering over 1000 households had the resource and support capabilities to deliver credible data within tight timelines.

Ultimately, research outcomes are expected to help develop country specific strategic reports on public awareness, perception, preparedness, and prevention of viral outbreaks. These insights can be impactful in designing proactive responses to viral outbreaks, deployment of vaccine initiatives and prioritization among target communities in East Africa.

Creating scalable impact begins at a local micro-level such as a household or individual  It  takes different  multi-party capabilities, rallying around a single focus to reach deep to acquire high quality, ethically, credible data that can be translated into globally impactful outcomes.

The heart of our work as research project managers is to execute multi-country studies that involve multiple stakeholder interests. Our goal is to bridge the resource and risk gap between local contextual realities where high quality, credible data must yield impactful insights. In this way, our global partners trust us to deliver on their quest for evidence based, resource-efficient, strategies that are impactful and scalable.

Marion Ngumo
Frontier Consulting is a pan African market research insights partner. We acquire credible data from anywhere in Africa. Using inclusive research design methodologies, we transform high quality data into tangible insights. Our mission is to connect African consumers and markets to impactful outcomes.

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